Laura Cuesta Cano
From Art History to Digital Advocacy, Laura Cuesta made a significant career shift at the beginning of the 21st century, which has led her to become one of the top advocates for responsible technology use among young people.

Sobre Laura Cuesta Cano
< View All ContributorsChampioning Digital Literacy for Families and Educators
Laura Cuesta Cano holds a degree in Art History and spent many years teaching the subject. However, like many of our collaborators, in 2007 she decided, in her own words, to “swap paintings for the @ symbol.”
An enthusiastic and effective communicator, Laura teaches Cybercommunication and New Media at the Camilo José Cela University in Madrid. She specializes in training families and educators on the responsible use of technology and is a prominent advocate for digital well-being. Additionally, she is responsible for the Digital Strategy at Madrid Salud’s Addiction Prevention Service (City Council of Madrid) and the Founder and CEO of “Educación Digital para Familias,” an organization dedicated to guiding and educating on the safe, responsible, and healthy use of technology.
She also writes articles and opinion columns for various outlets, such as Disruptores Innovadores for El Español, Telefónica’s ThinkBig blog, and Atresmedia’s Levanta la Cabeza project. She frequently collaborates on TV programs like Horizonte, Futura, and Espejo Público.
In September 2023, she released her first book, Crecer con Pantallas (“Growing Up with Screens”), where she explains, among other things, that children need to develop a healthy relationship with new devices and apps. Her second book, Conectados (“Connected”), is a comprehensive guide to navigating the challenging milestone of getting the first smartphone.