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ProFuturo Observatory

Reflecting on the Education of the Future

At the ProFuturo Observatory we promote discussion and reflection on the current state of digital education in the world.


The Observatory researches and analyses approaches, methodologies, initiatives and trends, and consults with the best experts in order to make visible solutions that allow teachers and children in vulnerable environments to improve their chances of accessing quality education.


All of this is transformed into articles and posts, both written and audio-visual, which give an account of the latest developments that are being prepared in the world of education with the use of technology.

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Last Publications


A virtual meeting place where we discuss the kind of education we all want to build with experts from all over the world. Find out more here

Evidence-Based Education: How to Bring It into the Classroom

Would you let your children take a medicine whose effects have not been tested by several scientific studies? Then why don’t we demand the same from teaching methods? What is evidence-based education? Are we using it enough in education? We ask all these questions to Lara Crespo, a teacher “who has never stopped being a researcher.” Don’t miss the video with the interview.

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A time of possibilities for guaranteeing the right to education in Latin America

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionising all aspects of our lives and, of course, education is no exception. The publication entitled The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Education in Latin America was written with the aim of generating new knowledge to help the region to plan educational actions and policies in the current scenario of technological disruption. In this video, the expert Axel Rivas, coordinator of the research, explains its main conclusions.

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Teacher mentoring: learning to teach with support

Imagine a medical student who is sent to be the head of a hospital ICU right after graduation? Unthinkable, right? This is the case in the teaching profession: one day you are taking notes for your bachelor’s or master’s degree, and the next day you are solely responsible for a classroom with dozens of students in your charge. The difficulties are compounded when it comes to vulnerable environments. Mentoring or tutoring programmes offer new graduates initial support so that they can complement their learning with the help of more experienced teachers. In this interview, they tell us how it works.

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ProFuturo Mathematics: Mathematics for all

Learn Mathematics at the pace of your cognitive development, paying attention to how the brain builds the processes that will allow us to progress in learning. This is ProFuturo Mathematics and in this video we explain its fundamentals.

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Authors and Collaborators

The ProFuturo Observatory is fortunate to have a large group of experts in multiple areas of education and technology that help us to carry out our goal of analysing, every week, what is happening in the world of educational innovation. They are our collaborators and we introduce them to you in this section. Meet them here