Ernesto Ferrández

He runs IteNlearning, a company he founded with the aim of transforming scientific knowledge into technologies and using these technologies to help students learn in an optimal way, regardless of their socio-economic background.

Ernesto Ferrández

The Teleco who wanted to teach

As a child, he debated with his grandfather about Plato and Aristotle (he was always more of an Aristotelian). He began to analyse how the brain learns when he had to teach a schoolmate to multiply so that his teachers would allow him to play a football game. Then, driven by his interest in artificial intelligence, he graduated in Telecommunications Engineering and was part of the first graduating class of “computer scientists” in Spain. Today he runs IteNlearning, a company he founded to transform scientific knowledge into technologies and use them to help students learn optimally, regardless of their socio-economic level.

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