A time of possibilities for guaranteeing the right to education in Latin America

Artificial Intelligence is revolutionising all aspects of our lives and, of course, education is no exception. The publication entitled The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Education in Latin America was written with the aim of generating new knowledge to help the region to plan educational actions and policies in the current scenario of technological disruption. In this video, the expert Axel Rivas, coordinator of the research, explains its main conclusions.

A time of possibilities for guaranteeing the right to education in Latin America

Artificial intelligence is filling countless pages in the media these days. The speed of its advances, its ethical limits, its possibilities, its current uses… All sectors, from health to industry, are embracing this technology and are looking for ways to benefit from it, while society and governments are debating and studying the ways to regulate its use. Education, of course, could not be left on the sidelines.

How can we include AI in the education system? Is it possible to involve teachers in the process? How will AI have an impact on social and educational inequalities? What role should the State play with a view to the potential impact of AI in education? What role should the private sector play? These are just some of the questions raised by the unstoppable march of artificial intelligence in education that the publication The future of Artificial Intelligence in education in Latin America attempts to answer. In this interview, Axel Rivas, the report’s lead researcher, attempts to answer these questions with the help of the experts consulted in the research.

If you want to know more about The future of artificial intelligence in education in Latin America, here is the video.

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