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ProFuturo Observatory

Reflecting on the Education of the Future

At the ProFuturo Observatory we promote discussion and reflection on the current state of digital education in the world.


The Observatory researches and analyses approaches, methodologies, initiatives and trends, and consults with the best experts in order to make visible solutions that allow teachers and children in vulnerable environments to improve their chances of accessing quality education.


All of this is transformed into articles and posts, both written and audio-visual, which give an account of the latest developments that are being prepared in the world of education with the use of technology.

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Last Publications

Observatory Trends

Happy Students, Happy Outcomes: The Impact of Wellbeing in the Classroom

El bienestar estudiantil se ha convertido en una clave del éxito académico. Los enfoques tradicionales centrados únicamente en los resultados se han quedado anticuados y empieza a imponerse una nueva visión que integra la salud emocional, física y social de los estudiantes como base para un aprendizaje efectivo. Un informe reciente de HundrED nos enseña cómo algunas innovaciones educativas relacionadas con el bienestar emocional se están colando en las aulas para transformarlas. ¿Será el bienestar una de la clave para la educación del futuro? Este artículo te lo cuenta.

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A virtual meeting place where we discuss the kind of education we all want to build with experts from all over the world. Find out more here

Technology and Equity: The Future of Education in Latin America

Can technology become a key ally in bridging learning gaps in Latin America, or does it risk widening them even further? In this interview, Mercedes Mateo, Head of the Education Division at the IDB, analyses the use of digital tools and artificial intelligence in classrooms and argues that teacher training and equity must be at the heart of any educational transformation that aspires to be both effective and fair.

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Authors and Collaborators

The ProFuturo Observatory is fortunate to have a large group of experts in multiple areas of education and technology that help us to carry out our goal of analysing, every week, what is happening in the world of educational innovation. They are our collaborators and we introduce them to you in this section. Meet them here