Miguel Costa
A biologist by training, a teacher by vocation, Miguel Costa is director of institutional relations at Empieza por Educar, where he has spent 11 years accompanying and guiding new teachers starting their professional careers in vulnerable environments.

Sobre Miguel Costa
< View All ContributorsThe biologist who teaches how to teach
A biologist by training with a doctorate in neuroscience, Miguel discovered his teaching vocation while teaching biology as an assistant professor during his doctorate. He left science for teaching and joined a school with 85% immigrant students, socioeconomically precarious. There, he fell in love with education forever and began a career that took him through secondary school, basic vocational training and intermediate and higher vocational training, until 2011, when the Empieza por Educar Foundation crossed his path. This foundation was looking for experienced teachers to help other teachers who were starting their careers and who were going to work in difficult environments. She jumped in head first. To this day. Because, to use her own words, when you have taught in highly difficult environments, you never forget the conditions in which many students have to learn and their teachers have to teach: “That experience is going to guide everything you do”.