ProFuturo and the Thabo Mbeki Foundation, narrowing the digital gap in South Africa together


ProFuturo and the Thabo Mbeki Foundation, narrowing the digital gap in South Africa together

ProFuturo and the Thabo Mbeki Foundation distribute technological equipment in the 50 schools where we operate in South Africa. The initiative included institutional events in the Mpumalanga and Eastern Cape provinces

ProFuturo was launched in South Africa by the Thabo Mbeki Foundation in 2019. This week they started distributing technological equipment to the 50 schools where the programme will be implemented, half of them in the province of Mpumalanga and the other half in Eastern Cape. In total, 244 teachers will be trained and the education of 9,335 children will be improved.

The ProFuturo digital education programme, through this partnership with the Thabo Mbeki Foundation, offers students a quality digital education adapted to the local educational curriculum. The aim is to promote the development of 21st century skills to enable teachers and students to meet the challenges of the digital era. 

The joint project also aims to engage the community in the importance of providing quality digital education for children. The distribution of the technological equipment, rolled out in two stages (the first in Mpumalanga and the second in the Eastern Cape), was highlighted by various institutional events.

ProFuturo and Thabo Mbeki, united against COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated the education gap in many regions of the world. “The pandemic has also made the world’s digital gap even starker, once again leaving the most vulnerable people behind,” affirmed ProFuturo CEO Magdalena Brier in a video shown at the event in Mpumalanga.

At ProFuturo, we continue to strive toward achieve real educational change in countries in situations of vulnerability. “For us, building relationships in South Africa was a priority in a country where education, and especially digital education, is also considered a priority,” Brier asserted. 

The partnership between ProFuturo and Thabo Mbeki will allow us to continue working and pave the way for educational development in South Africa. “We firmly believe that this project will be a success thanks to everyone’s commitment and generosity, not just the educational community, but also the parents and the community as a whole,” said Magdalena Brier.

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