Jump Math
Jump Math is a programme that aims to facilitate the learning of mathematics for children regardless of their level of logical-mathematical competence.

Sobre Jump Math
< View All ContributorsJump Math is a programme that aims to facilitate the learning of Mathematics for boys and girls regardless of their level of logical-mathematical competence. With this method, everyone can learn mathematics. How? Through guided discovery: with participatory dynamics, continuous assessment and feedback, and the division of lessons into small units, all the students in the class can easily understand. Children work on the concepts “in small steps,” discovering the subject step by step when they have the necessary cognitive maturity to understand them, avoiding frustration, and gaining confidence in themselves. With Jump Math, students learn to think differently, but teachers also learn to teach mathematics differently.
Jump Math and Fundación ProFuturo joined forces to develop an innovative teacher training course based on the learning and evidence achieved by Jump Math around the world, to help teachers improve the way they teach Mathematics by incorporating key pedagogical elements for teaching this subject.