Women and girls in science: Agents of change


Women and girls in science: Agents of change

We celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a key date to remember the importance of promoting the empowerment of women and girls in STEAM professions. The objective? Bridging the glaring gender gap in science.

What do you know about the International Day of Women and Girls in Science?

In 2016, the General Assembly of the United Nations approved the celebration of this event every 11 February. The main objective of this event is to achieve equal and full access and participation in science for women and girls and to reduce the glaring gender gap.

Another aim of this international commemoration is to promote the empowerment of women and girls in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) professions

This past year, the date focused on the courage of women scientists in the fight against COVID-19. This year, 2022, the bet is made through the slogan: “Women and girls in science: Agents of change”. Recognising the power of women as drivers of change, and not just beneficiaries of it, is key to achieving the goals of the Sustainable Development Agenda

Why is it necessary to commemorate this date?

Science and gender equality are vital to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. However, the figures are alarming. According to UNESCO data, only 30% of the world’s scientific researchers are women AND only 3% of Nobel prizes in science have been awarded to women.

In addition, here are other alarming data exposed by UNESCO: only 12% of the members of national scientific academies are women; only 1 in 5 professionals in cutting-edge fields such as Artificial Intelligence is a woman; women represent only 28% of engineering graduates and 40% of computer science graduates; and, finally, it is worth mentioning that female researchers tend to have shorter and lower paid careers than men. 

My dream? Becoming a doctor

In 2021, we showed that many girls on our educational programme dream of becoming doctors, engineers or mathematicians. This 2022, we continue to confirm that we have to work to ensure that girls grow up to be what they dream of being when they grow up. 

Gloria is 11 years old and studies at the Umodzi Katubz Primary School in Malawi with the help of ProFuturo. She confesses that school is very important to her because it could help her in the future to achieve anything and be a successful person. When she grows up, she wants to be a doctor so that she can help sick people in her community.

Moreover, Angel Ruth Kalolo’s, Gloria’s teacher, ultimate dream is to teach. She is clear about her mission as an agent of change for hundreds of girls who want to become doctors, engineers or mathematicians one day. She also believes in the power of technology and digital education in 21st century learning.


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