Eight years of educational impact, eight years of ProFuturo stories


Eight years of educational impact, eight years of ProFuturo stories

Over the last 8 years, we have made progress together with students, teachers, managers and partners alike. We look back with great pride at what we have achieved, but we are focusing on the future ahead.

In eight years, the education sector has undergone a dramatic transformation, driven by the integration of technology into teaching and learning methods. Educational methodologies, strategies and tools have evolved significantly, at such a rate that they have surpassed the learning and appropriation capacity of the teachers themselves, who, day after day, face the challenges of teaching, learning, managing and evaluating, without feeling that they are being left behind.

In 2016, aware of this situation, Fundación Telefónica and La Caixa Foundation joined forces to create ProFuturo. A foundation that strives to bridge the educational and digital divide that has been created over the years, bringing quality education to children in the most vulnerable situations around the world. 

In 2023, we were present in 39 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. Our programme has trained more than 342,000 teachers and benefitted 1.2 million children in these four regions. We have heard stories of transformation that are a testament to the impact we are having on their lives, such as the story of Elizabeth, a Peruvian teacher who shows us how empowered women can transform lives through STEM disciplines; as well as Camilo Federico Schmidt, a teacher in Uruguay who has shaken up the way he teaches mathematics to his students, showing them how mathematics are all around us; Pedro Medina, a teacher beneficiary in Colombia, deaf since birth, strives to ensure that no disabled student encounters the same difficulties as he has in his classes and teaching, among many others who show us that education really can transform people’s lives. 

14 July marks our eighth anniversary; eight years making an impact on education, eight years of stories that call on us to reflect on what we have done, where we want to go and how we are doing our bit to humanise and make the world a better place through education.

What is ProFuturo education?

For us, education is not just a universal right; it is the backbone of society, enabling people to build a future brimming with possibilities, in particular for those living in the most vulnerable communities. We strongly believe in quality education that is inclusive and accessible, empowering every child no matter where they live or their circumstances.

Beyond passing on knowledge, we focus on cultivating key life skills, such as critical thinking, creativity and collaboration, not to mention the digital competencies necessary to get by in the modern world.

We place teachers at the heart of our programme. We recognise the key role they play in educational transformation and have therefore focused much of our efforts on their training and professional development. At the same time, we have rolled out advanced technological solutions that have made a tangible difference, reducing absenteeism and dropout rates, while motivating students and teachers alike to actively participate in schools. 

Our teaching methods are constantly being measured and evaluated, with a view to finding the best way to improve processes and move towards what we want to achieve.

Who accompanies us?

Our achievements would not be possible without the support and collaboration of our partners. From the outset, we have worked closely with international institutions and organisations, such as: UNHCR, Save the Children, the IEO, Entreculturas Foundation, World Vision, OAS, Teach For All, International Rescue Committee and American Tower we have been able to expand our reach and work closely with local partners, Ministries of Education and governments. 

Thanks to this collaboration and knowledge sharing, we have adapted our educational programme to each region we have reached, even in areas where other organisations have not been able to reach.

A look into the future

We will continue to focus on strengthening the impact and results of our actions. This will include improving our intervention models, innovating in educational technology, forging strategic partnerships and fostering sustainability by putting children’s futures first. 

We will continue to bridge the educational gap as we transform schools. All backed by a Monitoring and Evaluation System that uses analytical data to make informed decisions and constantly improve the programme.

We would like to thank everyone who has been with us on this incredible journey. Thank you very much to our partners, teachers, students and all the communities that have welcomed and supported us. We will continue to move forward, transforming education and creating new success stories!


Would you like to know more about ProFuturo’s commitment to education?

More information available at: https://profuturo.education/

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