ProFuturo reaches the finals of the 2024 SDG Digital GameChangers Awards


ProFuturo reaches the finals of the 2024 SDG Digital GameChangers Awards

This recognition constitutes further encouragement from the international community for us to continue with our mission to transform education and reduce digital gaps around the world.

On Friday, 20 September, ProFuturo was nominated as one of the 20 finalists for the SDG Digital GameChangers Awards during a gala held in New York within the framework of the Summit of the Future and the SDG Moment, at the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). This award highlights not only the projects and organisations that are advancing towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through digital technologies, but also the life stories of those who fight every day for more equitable and accessible education for all.

What are the SDG Digital GameChangers Awards?

The SDG Digital GameChangers Awards are an initiative, organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the United Nations Development Programme  (UNDP) with the support of the UN System, which seeks to acknowledge individuals and organisations that use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to address social problems and create opportunities benefiting vulnerable communities around the world.

ProFuturo, in alignment with this mission, was mentioned in the “People – Empowering lives and communities” category, which rewards projects focusing on:

  • Providing access to digital tools for vulnerable communities
  • Promoting the development of digital skills and creating job opportunities
  • Promoting equity in access to education and health by means of digital solutions
  • Advancing towards gender equality and female empowerment through innovation

After over 1,180 applications were assessed, we were shortlisted for our work on reducing educational and digital gaps and our global contributions to SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), reaffirming our purpose of ensuring that all people, regardless of their situation or location, have access to quality education.

Committed to the educational transformation

We place children and teachers at the centre of our educational programme, empowering them with the knowledge they need to overcome the challenges of the 21st century. This involves not only acquiring competences, but also developing essential soft skills such as critical thinking, computational thinking and creativity. These will enable them to excel in a constantly evolving work environment and face the future with confidence and determination.

Reaching the finals of these awards means recognition of our work, but it will also drive us forward with greater strength during our mission. We’ve reached a crucial moment; every step we take to reduce digital and educational gaps is a step towards a fairer and more equitable world.

Together with our partners, we’ll go on striving to transform education and address the inequalities faced by the most vulnerable communities. We firmly believe that education is a fundamental right and we’re determined to turn this right into a reality for everyone.


Would you like to know more about ProFuturo’s commitment to education?

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