Teachers: Transforming by Educating


Teachers: Transforming by Educating

At ProFuturo we are joining #WorldTeachersDay on 5th October. This global celebration aims to highlight the importance of a profession that is crucial for the future of upcoming generations. Would you like to know why teachers are key to our educational programme? Read on!

Teaching is equivalent to leaving a mark on the children who sit at their classroom desks, year after year. The work of teachers is an undeniable driver of change and creator of ideas. At ProFuturo we are certain of the transformative power in education. But who has this superpower? The teachers, of course. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that millions of students around the world were forced to stop attending school and start a new type of learning at home. This crisis brought to light a reality: the need for an educational model that incorporates new technologies. However, it has also corroborated another fact: the fundamental role of teachers as transmitters of knowledge. 

The adaptation of teaching to the changes brought about by the pandemic has demonstrated the ability to lead and embrace change in the teaching profession. On 5th October we would like to thank this collective who faces the global challenges of education with passion, enthusiasm and commitment to children.

The role of ProFuturo teachers

Since the beginning of our activity in 2016, ProFuturo has believed that teachers act as triggers of educational change and that’s why it has made them the essential figure in its digital education programme. Better trained teachers, with technological and pedagogical skills adapted to the challenges of the 21st century, who are capable of transforming the short-term future of their students.  

Teachers not only build a better future for millions of children around the world, but also, through their work they contribute to building a fairer and more equal society and a better world. For this reason, today we want to pay tribute to teachers all over the world, but especially to the 914,000 teachers who ProFuturo has already trained.

The voice of our Stories

In this atypical year, at ProFuturo we wanted to give a face and a voice to the teachers who participate in our educational programme. Through personal and transformative life stories, we want to reflect the transformative power of education. In recent months we have received stories from many corners of the world, which we want to use to inspire other teachers. 

George, Adriana, Elizabeth and Jean Marie may seem to be just names. But behind each of these names is a story of how hard work and effort have improved the education of hundreds of children. 

Behind George, an education coach from Beirut, there is a story of effort to ensure that no one gets left behind, even in emergency situations such as the case of refugee children. Adriana, from El Salvador, is an example of how a vocation for teaching now translates into the seeds of change she sows in all her students. Elizabeth, this Peruvian teacher has learnt to use new technologies from scratch in order to transmit her knowledge to the children and teachers at her school. And finally, the Rwandan teacher Jean Marie, is an example of commitment, passion and dedication as he makes a three-hour journey every day to get to the school where he teaches. 

These are just some of the voices of the ProFuturo stories. Our mission is to continue to tell the story of what goes on at the heart of our education programme. We know that behind the figures, there are thousands of real stories. We invite you to continue discovering what our teachers from all over the world have to tell us. ProFuturo’s work would be nothing without them. So today, we wish you a happy #WorldTeachersDay!

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