Teachers are key figures in the educational system. Our experience in digital solutions is to do with providing you with the best educational tools to develop your skills and support your students in the learning process. ProFuturo’s educational initiative trains you in the use of various digital tools and empowers you to use them in the best possible way in the classroom. The new technologies we apply, based on digital education and other tools, help us to ensure that you have personalised learning resources. From our digital learning platform you can access more than 160 courses and 2,800 hours of training in different languages, free. We also provide you with educational resources and tools to prepare your lessons from home, recommending activities to your students and supporting them in carrying them out.

Training courses
Continue training with ProFuturo’s free on-line courses. Develop your knowledge in innovation and ICT, active methodologies and increase your digital abilities.
- Duration: between 5 and 40 hours
- Content available in ES/EN/FR/PT.

ProFuturo Observatory
Learn about the main trends and challenges facing education in the world, as well as the most innovative educational platforms and resources on the market in mathematics, reading and writing, and science, among other subjects. Don’t miss the ProFuturo Observatory posts to stay up to date.
- Content available in: ES

Educational resources
Join a network and collaborative platform of educators and browse the catalogue of selected and assessed educational resources and on-line content. You have more than 1600 resources at your disposal, which can be filtered by subjects, levels and type of activities.
Also access lesson plans, publish your own and indicate your favourite digital content.
- Content available in: ES/EN/FR/PT

ProFuturo Contents
Help your students reinforce their mathematics, language, science and technology skills through the 1,680 hours of quality content for children from 5 to 12 years old that ProFuturo offers them. They are available in four languages and have been certified by UNESCO.
- Content available in: ES/EN/FR/PT

Mathemagical Oracle
This app combines a card game and a set of mathematical problems in which students learn and play at the same time. It is aimed at students from 5th year primary to 2nd year secondary (10 to 15 years old). Encourage your students to download this mobile app so they can learn maths by playing. Available in versions for Android and Windows
- Content available in: ES