How ProFuturo maximises children’s educational potential: the keys to a promising future


How ProFuturo maximises children’s educational potential: the keys to a promising future

According to UNESCO, to achieve the targets set out in SDG 4, it would be necessary to send one child to school every 2 seconds before 2030. ProFuturo shares some ideas that you can bear in mind in your classrooms.

Education is much more than a couple of subjects in a child’s life; according to the World Bank, it’s a fundamental right, “a vital engine for development and one of the most effective instruments for reducing poverty, improving health and achieving gender equality, peace and stability”. Unfortunately, although it’s one of the most important pillars for ensuring equality and inclusion in many parts of the world, this engine is failing, especially in vulnerable environments.

Recent data provided by UNESCO indicate that the number of children around the world without access to education has risen to 250 million and it’s increasing this year. The figures, compiled by the Global Education Monitoring Report and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, reveal stagnation in the global educational progress.

A complicated reality: where are we?

“Throughout the world, 16% of children and young people (from primary to upper secondary education) don’t go to school. In primary education, 1 in 10 of the world’s children don’t go to school. 122 million of them, in other words, 48% of the out-of-school population, are girls and young women”. 

UNESCO, 2023

The statistics are clear: to achieve the targets set out in SDG 4, one child would need to begin school every 2 seconds before 2030. At ProFuturo we’re joining forces to provide a global service:

  • Technology in education: We focus on improving access to quality education in vulnerable and emergency contexts in which access may be limited.
  • Innovative educational content: We develop and provide high-quality educational resources and programmes tailored to the needs and requirements of the students.
  • Training in digital skills: We promote the skills that all children need for their personal and social development. These skills aren’t just essential for their academic growth, but also for their full integration into society.
  • Training for teachers and students: They lie at the heart of our programme. We have training programmes designed to improve the quality of teaching and effective pedagogical practices.
  • Strategic alliances: We work together with governments, NGOs, businesses and so on to expand the reach and impact of our education programmes.

How can teachers maximise the educational potential of children through our actions? 

Here are five things you should do with your students based on the resources provided by ProFuturo:

  • Prioritise basic skills: Focus on developing basic skills such as reading, writing and maths from an early age, without neglecting critical thinking, digital competences and STEM skills. These skills are the foundations on which all the other learning is built.
  • Promote active participation: Create a constructive learning environment, as learning should motivate, trigger curiosity and open up different perspectives.
  • Use educational technology: Make the most of the technological tools and resources provided by ProFuturo to innovate through new ways of teaching and learning.
  • Take your teaching skills to the next level: Use the Knowledge Schools containing more than 160 training courses and over 2,000 hours of educational content to diversify your teaching methods and adapt to the needs and learning styles of your students.
  • Promote autonomous learning: Empower the students and families to take an active role in the learning processes while promoting autonomy and responsibility. The environment in which our students grow up influences the way in which they understand education.

Everyone’s commitment: a promising future for education

In order to move towards Quality Education (SDG 4), everyone’s commitment is essential to ensure a bright future in this field. From the students and teachers to the families, we have to assess how to maximise children’s educational potential through the use of the appropriate resources and materials.

Moreover, the involvement of the highest spheres in this process is crucial. Attending the sessions of the UN General Assembly, the distribution of the Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report), events such as the DTC, the Digital Learning Weeks and other global education forums enable us to socialise, share and publicise good practices. We must all be aligned in pursuit of the same goal.

To keep track of the findings of the events we actively participate in, as well as the relevant reflections and updates, we invite you to subscribe to our social media.


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