Brain, Emotions, and Learning: The “Neuroscientific Revolution” in Schools

Neuroscience is transforming how we understand learning, showing that the brain is not only an organ of knowledge but also the epicentre of our emotions, motivations, and experiences. In this interview, José Sánchez García, an expert in neuroscience and psychology, guides us through the key insights for applying these advances in the classroom. From the importance of a safe and motivating environment to the impact of stress and emotions on memory, we explore how brain science can revolutionise education and enhance human development in the schools of the future.

Brain, Emotions, and Learning: The “Neuroscientific Revolution” in Schools

neurociencia y educación

Did you know that the brain continues to learn and adapt throughout life? Or that students’ socio-emotional environment can make the difference between success and failure in learning? These are just some of the questions we discussed in this interview with José Sánchez García, an expert in neuroscience and psychology and a collaborator with IteNlearning.

In this conversation, we delve into the secrets of the human brain as applied to learning: from neuroplasticity to neurotechnology, including concepts such as critical learning windows. José Sánchez García explains how science can help us transform education.

If you want to learn how advances in brain science can shape the education of the future, don’t miss this interview.

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