Why do we educate? What is the purpose of school today? What role do relationships, processes, and technology play in a society obsessed with outcomes? These are some of the questions that arise during our conversation with Carlos Magro, president of the Asociación Educación Abierta and expert in education policy and pedagogical transformation.
Throughout the conversation, Magro invites us to engage in a deep collective reflection on the goals of education. “Until we are clear about the why, it’s hard to think about the how,” he points out. A central theme of his analysis is the critique of a school culture excessively focused on results, grades, and certificates—at the expense of learning processes. This logic, he warns, ultimately undermines the most valuable aspects of education: guidance, the development of critical thinking, and the building of a meaningful relationship with knowledge.
The interview also addresses the challenges posed by integrating technology in schools. Far from falling into simplistic enthusiasm or reactive rejection, Magro argues that technology is neither a magical solution nor an inevitable threat. He emphasizes the urgent need to develop critical digital literacy—especially in relation to generative artificial intelligence—so that both teachers and students can understand and manage its impact on teaching and learning processes.
In this conversation, Carlos Magro doesn’t offer quick fixes or easy solutions. What he proposes is something more complex and necessary: to look at education from a different perspective—one that prioritizes people, relationships, and processes, and that is willing to openly discuss the real problems of contemporary schooling without hiding or oversimplifying them.
This video is an open invitation to teachers, families, educational leaders, and students to rethink together what kind of education we want and need. A must-watch conversation—insightful and committed—that reminds us that transforming schools begins with restoring their meaning.