ProFuturo joins the commemoration of Girls in ICT Day 2024 by promoting women’s leadership in STEM


ProFuturo joins the commemoration of Girls in ICT Day 2024 by promoting women’s leadership in STEM

Each day we train our teachers to integrate the STEM areas into the classroom in a motivational way, making them role models for the female students. As a result, the girls delve into the learning of ICT and STEM, transforming their everyday lives with new skills enabling them to explore, create and lead the future.

Today, on International Girls in ICT Day, ProFuturo is joining the global celebration organised by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the theme of which this year is “female leadership” to highlight the need for strong female role models in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) degrees.

“Although women now occupy 40% of high-skilled jobs around the world, their participation in ICT-related fields remains low”, states the ITU. This disparity is due to different factors, including entrenched gender stereotypes, a lack of female role models in the field of technology and structural barriers hindering access to ICT education and training for women.

At ProFuturo we actively address these gaps, particularly in the most vulnerable communities, where girls face the greatest barriers to equitable and quality education. We’re committed to promoting equal opportunities, including those provided by STEM skills, by training our teachers to integrate these areas into the classroom in an effective and motivational manner. Through our educational programme, we not only impart technical knowledge but also empower our female teachers to be role models for their students

Together we’re creating a world in which girls can achieve their dreams and form part of the advancement of society and technology. On this special day we wish to highlight the crucial role of three teachers in empowering girls through these skills. Their names are María Teresa, Elizabeth and Aleyda, true examples of devotion and passion for transformational teaching.

María Teresa Cornejo

With a career focused on promoting women’s leadership in STEM, María Teresa has served as a beacon of inspiration for educational change in her local communities.

Since her childhood she’s been involved in the world of education, with a vocation that’s grown stronger over the years. However, what really drove her to embrace the teaching profession was seeing so many girls in vulnerable situations who deserved equal opportunities to develop their full potential.  Throughout her career, Maria Teresa has focused on exploring and using artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance learning in the classroom. 

Her vision goes beyond her country’s borders, as she dreams of educating the new thinkers of the future and expanding her programme to more girls around the world. 

Find out more about her inspirational story and her impact on education!

Elizabeth Carhuamaca

Elizabeth has been a tireless advocate of the integration of technologies into the classroom since she took on the challenge of forming part of the educational innovation team at the Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre School in Peru. 

She’s devoted her time to exploring how technology can enhance learning, using tools such as the Mathematical Oracle, an application developed by Fundación Telefónica and the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru to teach mathematics through games. Her efforts have enabled her students, especially the women, to explore the world of gamification while finding in Elizabeth a role model in the area of ICT.

Find out more about her inspirational story and her impact on education!


Aleyda Leyva

Internationally renowned as one of the world’s 50 most innovative teachers in the 2021 Global Teacher Prize, Aleyda has shown how technology can revolutionise teaching and learning by empowering teachers and students to design transformational solutions.

Since her beginnings as a teacher she’s advocated ICT in her classrooms, and now, after her awards and acknowledgements, she’s decided to write about educational innovation on her personal blog with the aim of awakening the motivation to learn and engage with ICT resources in her students, especially the women. 

Aleyda Leyva is convinced: “Technology’s our ally, not our enemy. If we learn to use it properly, we’ll improve the quality of our students’ learning”.

Find out more about her inspirational story and her impact on education!

At ProFuturo, every day is a girls in ICT day

Maria Teresa, Elizabeth and Aleyda are inspirational examples of how teachers can transform education and empower girls in the world of technology and ICT. Their dedication and their passion for teaching aren’t just making a difference in their local communities, as they’re also seeking to act as international role models to enable girls around the world to understand and appreciate the value of ICT and STEM for their future, because education starts when they’re small. 

Today, on Girls in ICT Day, we’re celebrating not only girls, but also the teachers who are making this transformational change possible. 

Let’s continue to inspire and empower girls to be leaders in the digital world of tomorrow!


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