Presentation of the 4th edition of hack4edu: the international hackathon for digital education and Artificial Intelligence


Presentation of the 4th edition of hack4edu: the international hackathon for digital education and Artificial Intelligence

Since 2020 the hackathon has drawn over 415 students for 8 countries and 16 Latin American universities to put forth and address technological challenges related to digital education and artificial intelligence in vulnerable environments.

Join #hack4edu

On 7th September, the presentation of the new edition of #hack4edu 2023 was held in Mexico, one of the Latin American countries that has taken part in the call since its beginning and is the first physical site of the international hackathon, where the event was broadcast live at the Technology University of Valle de Toluca.

Presentation of the 4th edition of #hack4edu

In its fourth edition, #hack4edu delved into the world of artificial intelligence, challenging participants to come up with innovative educational solutions based on AI to benefit the most vulnerable of society. 

The gathering enjoyed the participation of education leader such as Alejandro Zamora, Head of Digital Education at the Fundación Telefónica Movistar Mexico, who acted as moderator and underscored the importance of achieving the 4th Sustainable Development Goal, on quality education. Jorge Bernaldez G, Dean of the Technology University of Valle de Toluca, kicked off the event, emphasising the relevance of innovation in academia. Nidia Chávez, Director of the Fundación Telefónica Movistar Mexico, spoke on the importance of collaboration and collective intelligence. Manuel José Ruíz García, Director of Data Analytics, Products and Innovation at ProFuturo, along with Manuel Martín-Merino, Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Director of the Telefónica Professorship at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, explained the rules of the hackathon, the registration process, its phases and prizes. The event came to a close with participants of previous editions, along with C. Gerardo Monroy Serrano, the Education Secretary of Mexico, who highlighted the government’s commitment to technological education. 

Important dates

Want to take part in this year’s edition? Here are some important dates:

  • Period for presenting challenges:

From 7 September to 19 October 2023.

  • Celebration of the hackathon: 

From 24 to 27 October 2023. 

  • Awarding of hackathon prizes: 

27 October 2023.

  • Webinar: Presentation 4th edition #hack4edu: “Tips” for teamwork and successfully taking on the hackathon:

28 September 2023 – 6:00 pm (ES)

  • Webinar: Information for participants in the 4th edition of #hack4edu. Online tools for collaborative work:

12 October 2023 – 6:00 pm (ES)

What are you waiting for to sign up as a hacker or as a university? Be part of the revolution in digital education and artificial intelligence!

History of #hack4edu

#hack4edu was created in 2020, just a few months after the pandemic confirmed the importance of technology applied to education. This initiative, begun by ProFuturo, the digital education programme of the Telefónica Foundation and the “la Caixa” Foundation, and the Pontifical University of Salamanca (UPSA), in collaboration of the Telefónica Professorships Network and different participating universities, sets out to address crucial technological challenges related to digital education and artificial intelligence.

An international, multidisciplinary event held in hybrid format, it seeks to provide an approach and resolution to technological challenges by means of innovative ideas and effective solutions through the participation of hackers: students or experts in technologies for digital education, teachers, universities and institutes of higher learning which are committed to transforming the future of education. 

415 hackers, 16 universities and 8 countries at the first three hackathons 

The first three editions saw the participations of Spain, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Panama and Brazil, through the Pontifical University of Salamanca, the University of Salamanca, Deusto University, the University of Valladolid, the Francisco José de Caldas District University, the Javeriana Pontifical University of Colombia, the University of Manizales, the Continental University of Peru, the University of San Martín de Porres, the Catholic University of Uruguay, the Catholic University of Salta, the University of Business and Social Sciences (UCES) of Argentina, the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, the Technological University of Panama, the Catarinense Federal Institute of Brazil, and 42, the programming campus of the Telefónica Foundation.

This year, our registration is breaking records!

Are you in?

Further information available at: 

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