Digital Content: Quality and Credibility in the Digital Era

We love consuming it. However, high-quality digital content and its management at the institutional level are often overlooked by national and international administrations. What is the situation regarding national educational platforms with quality educational content? How do we teach students to navigate a vast ocean of knowledge? How can educators develop effective educational programmes to enhance information literacy? We explore these questions in this article.

Digital Content: Quality and Credibility in the Digital Era

A Gateway to Educational Digital Content

Contenido digital

Today, despite the increasing ubiquity of connected technology, digital learning platforms and public learning resources are either non-existent, hard to find, difficult to navigate, lacking in quality and breadth, or inaccessible to a large number of students and teachers. Gateways to Public Digital Learning is a multilateral initiative promoted by UNESCO and UNICEF, aimed at giving educational digital content the importance it deserves and encouraging the creation of public digital platforms that make these contents accessible to everyone. In this post, we explain what this initiative entails.

Digital Content for Teacher Training

Digital textbooks, videos, virtual environments, collaboration tools, augmented reality… In the digital era we live in, the use of technology in education has become essential for preparing the teachers of the future. This article delves into the world of digital content in teacher training, exploring its advantages and limitations, and offering some recommendations for effective implementation. The post examines how digital content can enhance teaching practice while emphasising the need for careful and reflective use of these resources to maximise their effectiveness in education.

Open Educational Resources: What, How, and Where

Virtual laboratories where impossible experiments can be conducted in the classroom, videos of theatrical performances, simulation games… Do you know what Open Digital Resources are? Have you ever used them? Do you know where to find them? And how to produce them? In a conversation with Fundación Telefónica Movistar Colombia, Esteban Venegas, Director of the Educational Foresight Observatory at Monterrey Institute of Technology, and Mila Tonarelli, Innovation and Product Manager at Fundación ProFuturo, explain what they are and provide some key insights into understanding and using these powerful learning tools. If you want to know what the experts say, click here.

Curating Content for the Classroom: What and How

Just a few years ago, knowledge and information were fairly limited resources for teachers and students. Today, new technologies offer us a world of limitless possibilities beyond the textbook and the library. To take full advantage, digital content curation is the fundamental tool that a teacher must learn to master. In this article, we explain what it is and how to do it.

Content Curation: 6 Essential Tips for Teachers

What are the most common mistakes a teacher should avoid when curating content? What skills should the “perfect teacher-curator” possess? We explore these questions in this article.

Critical Thinking: A Vaccine Against Information Overload

In a world that seems to have all the answers, who asks the questions? Knowing how to ask ourselves the right questions is vital because it allows us to expand our knowledge and understanding of the world around us. It helps us challenge our assumptions, consider different perspectives, and develop our ability to think critically and creatively. In this post, we discuss critical thinking, a skill that has gained fundamental importance in recent years.

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