A comprehensive, customisable and flexible educational programme

Niños tablet



What are we looking for?

PTo enhance the development of digital competences for life and learning, enabling teachers, students and school principals to meet the challenges of 21st century society.


Where do we act?

Primary education centres in vulnerable environments and with a higher risk of exclusion. This is where our beneficiaries are: teachers, children and school principals.

Education for the 21st century


How do we do it?


AIt addresses the key elements that affect the quality of education as a whole and also in a modular way.

It recognises the role of the teacher as a central agent of transformation.

It makes it possible to reach places without connectivity.

Collect and analyse data to monitor, evaluate and guarantee results.

Our triple educational intervention

Our triple educational intervention

At ProFuturo we work with three intervention models to bring quality digital education to the most vulnerable places on the planet. The three models seek to transform the educational experience of teachers and students, and enhance the development of the 21st century skills needed to face the challenges of today’s world. To achieve this, we rely on high quality digital educational resources, innovative teaching-learning methodologies and teacher training as the pillars of education.

Navigate through the following interactive and don’t miss out on our triple educational intervention!


Teacher professional development in Africa

In partnership with Empieza Por Educar we’ve launched a professional development project to train teachers on the African continent and, through them, to improve the quality of the education of thousands of children living in vulnerable rural areas. The project succeeded in improving the didactic and pedagogical skills, social leadership and digital competences of 15,400 teachers in 2020, thus making them agents of change in their educational communities. In 2021, in collaboration with the local partners of the Teach for All network, ProFuturo and Empieza Por Educar have set themselves the target of training 13,000 new teachers in six countries: Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Teacher professional development in Africa

Education in emergencies: our work with refugees

Education in emergencies: our work with refugees

Regardless of the situation they find themselves in, all children have the right to education. Therefore, in 2017, we began adapting our Digital Education Framework to crisis-related contexts. We apply a holistic approach aligned with the principles of the INEE (Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies) to promote access to high-quality and well-rounded education for children who have been forcibly displaced and turned into refugees in camps, reinforcement centres and informal settlements in urban or rural environments. We have already implemented educational projects in refugee camps and informal settlements in Lebanon, Malawi, Jordan, Rwanda and Tanzania.


#Hack4Edu: the first virtual hackaton dedicated to digital education

In conjunction with the Pontifical University of Salamanca we organised a virtual get-together for innovative and creative young people from Spain and Latin America to develop advanced technological solutions to the numerous challenges facing digital education after Covid-19: handling personal data, restricted internet access, customisation of learning, selection of content, etc. This is a multidisciplinary, international call with a hybrid format, which seeks to address and solve technological challenges related to the challenges posed by digital education.

#Hack4Edu: the first virtual hackaton dedicated to digital education

Computational Thinking in ProFuturo schools

The objective of this project is to bring to schools located in vulnerable a framework to develop certain skills that will contribute to equality of opportunity, helping students to develop digital skills, especially programming skills, which will promote computational thinking. In a changing world where technology has an increasingly greater presence in different spheres of our lives, learning the logic of how it works is essential for bridging the existing gaps and promoting critical digital literacy. Moreover, computational thinking allows developing experiential education, which gives students an active role in their learning process and emphasizes investigation, experimentation, invention and reflection, amongst other things.

Computational Thinking in ProFuturo schools

Living Lab

Living Lab

A living lab is a pilot experience through which we quickly test and evaluate ProFuturo’s Digital Education Framework in a controlled environment before implementing it in the field. Through this research project, we seek to adapt ProFuturo’s educational proposal to the needs and demands of the agents that intervene in an educational institution and detect opportunities for improvement. In order to test our model in a real educational environment, together with the Pinardi Social Platforms Federation, we selected the Salesianos de Estrecho School placed in Madrid where we have developed several pilots.


Wayra Call: ideas for facing the challenges of vulnerable environments

Wayra Call: ideas for facing the challenges of vulnerable environments

For the second year in a row, together with Wayra, the Telefónica Open Innovation Hub, we have launched an international invitation in search of innovative projects to contribute to tackling the technological and educational challenges we are facing in the vulnerable environments in which we implement our programme. Can you come up with any solution to the lack of electricity and Internet connection in schools or to customise teaching through the use of learning analytics tools? Hand in your application!