ProFuturo and American Tower join forces to bring educational innovation with technology to vulnerable schools in Latin America and Africa
5 keys to ProFuturo commemorating International Education Day and contributing to peace and development through education
César Alierta Izuel, former chairman of Telefónica and Fundación Telefónica and president of Fundación ProFuturo passes away
ProFuturo commemorates World Children’s Day by highlighting the importance of early childhood education
#Hack4edu, the largest educational hackathon in Ibero- America: 534 hackers from 29 universities and 9 countries
International hackathon #hack4edu kicks off: an opportunity to transform digital education through artificial intelligence
ProFuturo participates in enlightED 2023, the global education and technology conference with a focus on AI
The 4th edition of #hack4edu is coming: The international hackathon on digital education and Artificial Intelligence driven by ProFuturo